JR Pliates and Bowen
What is Bowen?
The Bowen Technique is a soft tissue remedial therapy, The technique involves the therapist using fingers or thumbs to move over muscle, ligament, tendon or fascia in various parts of the body.
The work is very subtle, relaxing and gentle involving no hard or prolonged pressure. During a session the cilent will lie on a therapy table or bed, although the work can be effectively carried out with the cilent in a chair.
Most of the work can be performed through light clothing, although some therspists prefer to work on skin. The ulimate choice should be that of the cilent's however. Although each session will vary according to the skill and experience of the therapist, as well as the presenting problem of the the cilent, an inital treatment will address the whole body. As general rule, moves will be made over the lower and mid back and legs, the upper back and shoulders before finishing with neck moves with the client supine (face up). The treatment gerenal takes approximatly 1 hour.

Jane Robins Pilates and Bowen website was designed by Beetle Box Design